Tuesday 5 November 2013

House Style

Magazines are all very unique in their appearance, their house style, their branding and their use of images, fonts and colours. Everything within a magazine shapes the target audience, and makes it obvious to the person viewing it who it is supposed to be aimed at.


This magazine has undergone a lot of changes over the years, as sales have gradually decreased.
However, they have tried to keep certain things the same:

     This is the 'TOTP' Magazine as it is today, 2013.

The changes:
  • The Masthead has been changed around quite a lot over the years, however brand recognition stayed as the masthead stayed in the same place.
  • The layout has become more structured, however there is much more on the cover than before.
House Style:
  •     The thing that seems to have stayed the same throughout the years is the colour pallet. With pinks and purples as the main two colours, it is obvious that the target audience has stayed the same too, aiming mainly at girls, aged between 11 and 15.

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