Saturday 23 November 2013

Music Mag Photography

These are the photographs I took, before making the final decision on which ones I would use in my magazine.
When taking the photo's I tried to create a picture in my mind of what they would look like on the page, aswell as how they would come across to my audience.

I wanted to have a varied collection of photo's so that when I came to decide which one fits best with my page design, I would have more than one option.

The model I used, my friend Ellie, has long curly hair, which I thought really fitted the theme of my lead cover story- 'Wild Child'
The choice of clothing was very fitting too, as Ellie wore a grey and white animal print dress on most of the photo's.

This final photo is the one I am considering on using for the double page spread, as it contrasts with the other photo's, as Ellie is wearing a different outfit, and her expression is much more serious and relaxed.

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