Friday 22 November 2013

Background Colour

Before I took my photographs, and applied them to the magazine cover, I wanted to make sure that I had an idea on the background colour I wanted to use. 

I had a look on Google at some of the magazine covers around nowadays, and look at how their colour plays a big part in how the magazine's genre as well as audience comes across. Also, when using a certain colour/or colours, the model on the main image sometimes matches that colour scheme.

For example, here the model on the main image of the cover stands out as she is the centre focus point, however you can see clearly that she matches the colour scheme of the entire cover including the background colour, white.                   This makes the masthead stand out more than the actual image in certain ways, as the masthead is the only splash colour, blue.

However it does work in some ways, for example the pose. The model is posing with a dominating attitude which makes the reader think the magazine is important to read too.

This magazine cover on the other hand works really well as the choice of clothing worn by the model contrasts with the background, also white. The clothing is bright coloured and fun, which completely contrasts with the dull background.       

Also, the text colour, pink, contributes to the main image, bringing out the bright colours of her outfit.            
I like this magazine cover and I am thinking of incorporating this concept of background colour into my work, now that I have done some research.                                                                                 

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