Wednesday 5 February 2014


However, an alternative institution I looked at was EGMONT. This is the publisher of 'We Love Pop' magazine, a well known pop magazine, that I have previously done much research on.

Egmont is the UK's biggest children's publisher, selling more than 25 million books and 12 million magazines a year. With this wide audience of children, teachers and parents, Egmont is a successful publishing institution.

"We publish only for children: they're our main focus not a sideline."

We Love Pop cover

The magazine has quite a high circulation, and the target age is 13-15, aimed at girls only, which minimizes the audience profile as this is only half the population.

A different magazine, also published by Egmont, is 'GoGirl', a music, gossip, girly magazine for young girls aged 7-12. This is a different age range to We Love Pop, however the contents of the magazine, and the genre of the magazine itself has its similarities. 

Go Girl cover

Looking at these key facts about the magazine, it is clear that the overall circulation of this magazine, compared to We Love Pop's circulation is slightly lower, even having more issues sold each month.
(To compare, Go Girl issues 3 magazines weekly, and We Love Pop issues 1 monthly)

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