Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Q4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

Who would be the audience for your 
media product?

Within a magazine production, it is usually very clear straight away what the target audience is, and the message the magazine is trying to send them. As I had chosen Pop as my genre for my final product, a music magazine, I needed to chose a target audience that would enjoy this genre of music, therefore would want to continually buy my product.

After doing some research on other pop magazines, I noticed that these magazines are mainly aimed at teenagers, aged between 11-16.( Some being aimed at girls specifically). I wanted to create something original and fresh, but still attract this popular audience.

For example, on the 'We Love Pop' magazine website
I discovered their target audience was labelled as 'pop loving teenagers', they weren't specific on age or gender.

You can see how they label their target audience, less specifically to others.

But on their publishers' website (Egmont) it stated that the magazine was aimed specifically at '13-16 year old girls'.

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