Saturday 19 October 2013

Contents Page

Now that I have completed my front cover for my school magazine, this lesson I began planning the contents page.

I started looking at various magazines such as 'Company' and 'NME' to pick out ideas about the layout, the amount of text, and the images I want for my own contents page.

NME Contents Page

After coming up with some ideas, I made a start on the contents page design.
As a class, we were put in pairs to peer assess each others work so far. My page was not complete, but was assessed anyway.

Some of the comments I received were 'Good layout' and 'Make it more colourful'. These will be taken into consideration when I come to complete my contents page.
This was the original design of my contents page.

 I then considered the colour of the background.

I changed the title font and the layout, as well as adding more to it.

The images show the change of colour pallet, to ensure the target audience is both genders.
They also show how I have experimented with text boxes, fonts and spacing.
I will continue to develop my contents page further now that I have come up with some ideas.

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