Tuesday 8 October 2013

Learning Photography Skills

The next lesson was on photography, and how we should go about taking our images for the magazine cover. I enjoyed this lesson, as it gave me some good ideas about how I would take my pictures.

First, we watched a video on photography, to get to grips with how to frame and take a strong photo. I wrote down some tips, so I could remember them.

1)      Holding the camera close to my body, to prevent shaking and blurring.

2)      Centre of the frame (the active focus point) should be the persons face.

3)      Set up a good light source, using a lamp and an umbrella, so that the light spreads out in the direction of the subject, against the background.

Lighting set-up

For my own photography, I want to try using something like this for my lighting. I think this is the best way to get good, strong pictures, without having unwanted shadows.

I learnt a few tips from this lesson overall, and will use them for my own photography:

·        I learnt that one of the most important things was that the picture I take for my magazine needs to be a MEDIUM CLOSE- UP (a shot that includes only head and shoulders).

·         I also learnt that the mise-en-scene is very important. (Mise-en-scene means everything the audience sees in the frame of a picture)

There are four things that make up the mise-en-scene in photography:



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