Wednesday 23 October 2013

Foundation Portfolio- School Magazine

I am really pleased with the overall look of my school magazine, and both the front cover and the contents page fit together well. They look professional and conventional, in what a magazine would look like.
I also think I made the target audience quiet clear, using a colour pallet that suits both genders.
Moreover, I have ensured that the conventions all come together to lure the target audience in to buy and read the magazine.

This is my front cover. I ensured that the colour pallet of this would match the colour pallet of the contents page. this meant that the target audience would run through to the following page too. 
I incorporated many different conventions, which I have learnt about since the start of my media course. 

For this page, I used images to link with the text. For example, the collage of images at the top relate to the 
subtitle for page 28- 'Last years prom pictures'.
I have learnt that by laying images in a collage, or by overlapping images makes the page look interesting, creative and distinctive.

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