Thursday 5 December 2013

Developing my Double Page Spread

Now that I have started the development of my double page spread, I am coming up with ideas, preparing my photography and planning the layout of everything on the pages.

This is the start of my development. I have begun the article, which is an interview with the pop star i have created, Ally Child.

The headline still needs to be adjusted, but the caption works well with the story so I think I will keep this as it is.

The text as a whole looks good on the page. I have used a simple font, and a small size too, which is very conventional. The columns are also conventional, making the interview structured and easy on the eye.

This suits my target audience too, as my magazine is aimed at younger teens, this is an easy article to read.

I also used the idea from the 'We Love Pop' interview, and used colour coding to clearly show who is who in the interview.

I used pink for the interviewer (Rosie from Popaholic magazine) and blue for the pop star being interviewed (Ally Child).

This works well and gives the whole page a fun look, which also fits the colour scheme and theme of the pop genre.

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