Friday 6 December 2013

Thoughts so far...

At this point, I have managed to complete my front cover, as well as making a start on my contents page.
I have also produced the majority of my double page spread, which is the page I have most enjoyed producing. I quite like the way each page has turned out, and I can see the potential it would have if sold to my target audience.

One of my favourite aspects of the front cover is the main image, as it brings a sense of positivism and fun to the magazine which is exactly what I am aiming to present to my target audience. Also, as the age range of my audience is 11-15, I want them to feel involved with the fun the magazine shares with them.To further enhance the audiences sense of involvement with the magazine, the model on the cover is looking directly at the camera lens in a posed shot.

My favourite aspect of the double page spread so far, is the interview. I think by including an exclusive in a magazine creates a sense of excitement and brings in the whole idea of fun too.
My interview, with a pop star called 'Ally Child' is new and exciting, and the interview presents the magazine's genre well too. As well as this, the image really suits the headline and that's what I was going for when taking my photography.

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